March 11, 2004

Margin Collapsing

A fun and wonky phenomenon of web design. Really, web design is a profession of fun and wonky phenomenons.

This one sez you can’t have adjacent margins. Who knew?

March 9, 2004

Hoboing the Hemispheres

The Noble Hobo has graced the South Pole, Antarctica, New Zealand, and is now braced to return home.

Three people I know, Annie, Motoshi and Miho, still cling to the Earth’s underside.

Lavasoft Ad-aware 6

Detects and removes those super-secret super-evil spyware programs from your computer. Because let’s face it, you can’t touch them no, cuz they’re all spies.

March 5, 2004


A sweet ‘n’ interactive color cube that details all the web-smart colors at your disposal.