January 31, 2006
Buy Danish!
Denmark makes me so proud.
Let’s hear it for the Danes, and their efforts to protect free speech!
Brainside Out
Denmark makes me so proud.
Let’s hear it for the Danes, and their efforts to protect free speech!
Holy crap, we’re going big-time. It’s at the Science Museum of Minnesota this year!
Wow Mike, have you been busy.
Heh. Something I never knew I needed, until I learned it existed.
“We have agreed to remove certain sensitive information from our search results.”
What? All that pesky sensitive information, like *history and facts?*
Oh Google, you are well on your way to being evil.
A different color palette every day.
He seems pretty good-natured and well-humored about the whole thing.
Yay for Chuck!
It looks like we’ve still got some work to do!
Nintendo, you sure are something.
And he’s engaged, too!