January 17, 2006
Web 3.0
The word "ass" is used.
Meanwhile, Jason drops the f-bomb in a web 2.0 interview.
I love the surliness apparent in our industry.
Brainside Out
The word "ass" is used.
Meanwhile, Jason drops the f-bomb in a web 2.0 interview.
I love the surliness apparent in our industry.
Sign me up!
Oh my god, beautiful. I could stare at this for hours.
Via The Brew Site
Thanks, Microsoft!
Online database administration with AJAX style.
It’s in beta and only allows you to add/update rows at this point, but TurboDbAdmin shows real promise.
phpMyAdmin has always bothered me because it’s sluggish, overbuilt and ugly.
I am so exciteding.
For such a beautiful laptop, Apple sure gave it an ugly name. Might as well call it an AeroGlassBook or something.
Her writing has been spectacular lately, but her life has been far too eventful. Go wish her well.