Better Living Through Java
A lovely Flash interface and the most beautiful organic creations I’ve ever seen generated by code.
Via Squidfingers
March 27, 2004
9/11 Hearings Summarized
A handy (and sadly accurate) flow-chart.
Via Althouse
March 25, 2004
The Arrogant Worms
A Hilarious Canadian Folk Humor Band of Righteous Might and Power. “The Mountie Song” had me rolling on the floor. Check out their weblog, too.
Props to my old roomie, Leave it to Peter himself, for the heads up.
March 23, 2004
Big Dead Place
Crazy stories and stuff from Antarctica.
She was a wet one, my friend
NASA is finding evidence of ripples, crossbedding and other oceanic shenanigans.
March 20, 2004
No Neutral Ground
“There can be no separate peace with the terrorist enemy.”
c0mpl3t3 w17h 7yp0! (l00k 47 j00r k3yb04rd)
Hack Super Mario Bros.
Make your NES cartridge display nothing but gently scrolling clouds. Great if you’re an über-geek, or if you’re stuck inside for six weeks with a broken leg.
Via Kottke