January 26, 2004

sweatin’ blood, sweatin’ code

Cranked out a few new photo galleries for ya’ll. Some of these images you’ve already seen. Others are new. Scripting and layout represent my most recent dabblings in PHP and CSS, and creating the rounded pure-CSS borders of my Love Affair was by far the hardest CSS work I’ve ever mustered.

Go West, Young Man

Mount Hood Love Affair

Luke: Needs more groaning
…and whips and laughs and creaking. My song “Galley Slave” has become a running gag at work.

Galley Slave is the best song ever. I think it should be the Coolest Club Ever Theme song.
Also, we need a wooch alumnus club. Maybe I’ll start an email list.

yeah, i downloaded galley slave to my computer at school, which is hooked to delighfully tall speakers and i can make the whole lab listen to it whenever I want.
what a great song

I am PROUD to be a co-creator of that piece of work! Here’s to ya Dane *raises a glass of Killians in your direction*

Hehe… for all the greatness that is Galley Slave, I still miss “Pencils and Wolverines.”
As for a Wooch! alumnus list, I sent an e-mail to Wooch! unrelated but it never got published. I’m sad about that. It was a great e-mail about the Coolest Club Ever and a mongoose and killer robots.