April 5, 2001

mocked by thursday

Today is Thursday. I hate Thursdays. Why can’t today be a Wednesday, Friday? Why, I’d even take a Monday over a Thursday, hands down. Thursdays are too deceiving to be fun. One feels that the week is just a flailing-armed downhill run after Wednesday, which would be the case only if Wednesday fed directly into Friday. I come off the high from Wednesday’s half-way point, running and flailing my way towards Friday night, only to be smacked in the crown by Thursday. It’s a mocking slap across the face, with Thursday laughing in your face the entire time. She never shows respect, has no love for you… never did, never will. Her entire existence is dominated by her consuming desire to stand between you and your true love… Friday. Glorious Friday. If I could just steal one kiss with thou, if I could resteth my broken crown upon your fair bosom, the stars would surely shine brighter for all.

Oh. Thursday’s evil knows no bounds. I was forced skip breakfast to share her malignant duties with you fellow readers.

Damn you, Thursday!