January 26, 2002
why does who stink?
I spent a good part of my day in storm drains, today. We found some pretty cool things; spiders, young flowstone formations, a 20 foot underground waterfall, methane gas… we decided to explore one tunnel as far as it would allow us to go. Five blocks up from where we started it surfaced as a small stream, and the lead member of our party was startled that we were sharing the stream with someone else. Keeping quiet and hiding in the shadows of the tunnel, we waited…
…while our fearless leader tried to sneak ahead, but slipped and fell through the ice a few times and make an awful clumsy racket. Soon a little kid poked his head around the corner. We heaved a sigh of relief, and emerged into sunlight.
The two kids (sixth graders, or so) were none too impressed by us. One started poking me with a stick, which is weird because usually only Woochers poke Dane out of imitation of other Woochers. That this child (with never seeing another person poking Dane) knew the proper action to take, he proves that among all humans is the innate idea of poking Dane with a stick. He demonstrates that one does not need to have sensory experience of other people poking Dane to know what to do with Dane. Poking Dane comes a posteriori, a synthesis of the sensory experience of Dane and the a priori idea of poking, which is the proper action one is to take when presented with a Dane.
Anyway, the kid soon tired of me and turned his attention to our group. “You stink, you stink, you stink and you stink.” An accurate observation, as we had been wading in methane for quite some time. Not wanting to stand for such harrassment we pushed farther upstream into uncharted waters, and after an hour of being hunched over in the dark, concrete tunnel we reached an exit, over a mile away from our original point of entry.
We all took very long showers once we got home.