February 25, 2003
and I turned around.
Mwaaarrrggghhh. I just moved from my computer for the first time in four hours. I’ve been hacking away tirelessly on a webpage for class, and I think it’s finally good enough to go live. Check it out.
It’s not XHTML certified (a div align for the main table makes sure that applying the XHTML Transitional standards causes the poor dear to fall apart) but it’s the closest I’ve ever come to a solid blending of HTML and CSS.The design was inspired by the Flash-based site of Matt Pond PA. Real men don’t Flash.
With a wee bit o’ work I could apply a similar design to things over here at the Bored, but I think I’ll wait until spring before unleashing a springish redux. Nevertheless, I really, really like the way that site looks.